New South Wales, Australia

New South Wales was the last state we visited on our road trip. Visited might be too strong a word as we basically went straight through it after leaving Melbourne, Victoria with just one stay in between in the city of Wagga Wagga. We did spent four days though in the city of Sydney before embarking on a cruise to New Zealand.

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Below are all the photos related to this travel experience including the relevant link to the shop.

A ferry passing the Harbour Bridge

We had a great time at the Opera House in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The location provides some great views over the Sydney Harbour. Here we see a ferry passing the Harbour Bridge.

The quieter backside

Without a doubt the most iconic building in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The Sydney Opera House has been photographed so many times that it is inconceivable that there are still people that haven't seen it. However, the photos are always more or less identical. This here is the quieter backside providing a different view.

Early morning view

The early morning view from our apartment in the suburb of Darlinghurst, part of the city of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia. Our apartment was ideally located next to Hyde Park where we had a fantastic view on Downtown Sydney. Another advantage was that it was within walking distance to the major sights.

Top half of the El Alamein Fountain

Last time we were in Sydney we really loved this fountain. So much that we decided to visit it again. This is the top half of the El Alamein Fountain in the community of Elizabeth Bay, part of the city of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia.