Lower Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA
Visiting Antelope Canyon in Arizona, USA has always been on our wishlist. This year we finally got around to go there. In fact, we did not just visit the Lower Antelope Canyon, but the Upper Antelope Canyon as well.
A guide took us to the entrance of the Lower Antelope Canyon by walking a short distance through the desert. Via some steel stairs we climbed down to the canyon floor. Inside this part of the canyon we had to overcome some narrow passageways, climbing a few rocks here and there as well as more steel stairs. We did get plenty of time to enjoy the many wonders inside.
Overall it was an awesome experience that we would not have wanted to miss.
All photo's can be purchased on various materials through my shop on artheroes.com.
Below are all the photos related to this travel experience including the relevant link to the shop.
Full of hidden canyons
Guided by a nice tour guide we walked towards the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. The whole area here is full of hidden canyons. Stunning landscape.
This is the Lower Antelope Canyon
This is the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. We just had to climb down some steel stairs to get to the canyon floor where the real adventure began.
Unbelievably beautiful
Unbelievably beautiful view in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. We were pretty overwhelmed by it all. Even having seen many pictures of this place, seeing it for real is totally different. Absolutely worth visiting.
Whimsical walls
Whimsical walls inside the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. We couldn't get enough of looking at these structures. Very glad we decided to go here.
Fifty shades of orange
Fifty shades of orange in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. The light coming from above really does some tricks with the colours on the walls.
Polished walls
Lots of these polished walls inside the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. All created by sand and water slipping through the cracks in an erosion process that took millions of years.
Gentle slopes
Some gorgeous and gentle slopes inside the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. This was just one of many similar areas we saw and we were totally in awe with the beauty of it all.
Impossible to climb out
It looks totally impossible to climb out in this part of the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. It would be a pretty steep climb. Nice to be able to see the sky though.
Caused by sand and rain
Sometimes the guide told us to look up in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. Unbelievable that all of this beauty is caused by sand and rain dripping down through the cracks.
A little wider here
A little wider passageway in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. It gave us a bit of extra space while making our way through the canyon. Awesome feeling to walk here.
Sand falling down
Sand falling down in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. This shows that the erosion process which created this beautiful slot canyon is still going on. Hard to imagine that a bit of sand is capable of polishing and shaping these rocks.
Just follow the path
Just follow the path was easy to do as there really was no other way to go when making our way through the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. Sometimes we had to hold back a bit to be able to make a photo without other people on it.
Such a gorgeous view
Such a gorgeous view inside the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. More shades or yellow and orange than the eye can process.
Spiralling is the word that came to mind when looking up in this part of the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. It's hard to image that all of this beauty was created by water and sand slipping through the cracks on the surface.
Carefully navigating the narrow corridors
Carefully navigating the narrow corridors in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. Sometimes it almost seems impossible to pass, but it always worked out obviously. Great experience!
The final stretch
The final stretch in the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. The walkway got quite narrow near the end.
Going up to get out
Going up to get out of the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. Not impossible to do but a bit of climbing through some narrow cravices was necessary to get back to the surface.
Invisible from the surface
Hard to believe that we actually crawled out of there after visiting the Lower Antelope Canyon near the town of Page in Arizona, USA. Invisible from the surface it is not recommended to freely walk around here as it is very likely one would fall into one of the canyons below.